{Temptation to Forget}

The let down.

No don’t mistake me. I didn’t say someone let me down.

Just that period of time after an event known as “the let down”

Not exactly a fun place to be. The exhaustion sets in. The adrenaline is gone. The results are in.

{It’s done}

But what comes next?

I think after an awesome experience the let down is the place of temptation.

Temptation to forget all that was done.

Temptation to forget the goodness of the Lord.

Temptation to forget the miracles done.

{Temptation to forget}

So I will remember.

I will remember the souls saved.

I will remember the lives changed.

I will remember the strength God provided.

I will remember the mistakes & correct them for next time.

I will remember.


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